Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Time is Now

I was sitting in my apartment reading my Bible when God spoke to me. He only said three words.

Opportunity is knocking.

Opportunity is knocking on our door. We of this generation have a chance to change the world like never before; something is happening. There is an undercurrent swirling just out of sight under the surface of the water but it's rising. Something is coming, and we need to be ready.

There is a window of opportunity that has not in the past been open, but it's opening now.

I read three verses: Galations 6:9-10, Ephesians 5:14-16, and Colossians 4:5. These verses all say the same thing and that is that are to make the most of every opportunity, for the days are evil.

I feel something happening, like a shift in the spiritual world. The tide is turning. We as Christians have struggled in recent history to make immediate lasting impact on the people around us, to turn the world upside-down like the apostles did, but that is becoming a thing of the past because something new is coming and it's BIG. It's new revelations; it's a destruction of previously assumed ideas and a birth of new ideas, of truth. God said, "See! I make all things new!" and that is what's happening, but in larger measure.

We as people are going to discover what is and what isn't.

But the catch is this: it's up to us. If we don't usher in this new kingdom of God on earth, it won't happen, because the LORD is looking for workers to harvest the fields. The crops will not harvest themselves.

Now the Lord's will WILL be accomplished, whether by our work or someone else's, but if we want this wave to sweep through our world like never before then now is the time.

Do we want to miss out on what God is doing? Do we want to miss the opportunity to be a part of something that this world has NEVER seen before?

This isn't like giving to a charity or radio station. We can't say," Well, someone else will give."

This is our time, our chance, to shake the world.

Something is coming. I feel it in my heart and gut and Spirit that something HUGE is happening.

Something is gonna break.

The word of the day is opportunity.

And it's ours for the taking.

Let's not be caught unprepared.

Let's get in the game.


Brit said...

amen. I feel it too-and I know so many others in the same boat, you aren't alone :)
And as we step up and say "Here I am, Lord" (like you are doing) we must be open to him fine tuning us so that we may best fill the need that is arising. This time of action and change is near, so near..but I feel like right now is a time of final preparation-just the finishing touches. The CRUCIAL and sometimes painful finishing touches, as God refines his instruments...

Matt Trevorrow said...

hmmm i feel like the time of "action and change" is now. We will always need fine tuning and finishing touches but when we remember that tomorrow is not a given then there's no reason not to start now. The time of preperation is coming to a close and that's what i'm blogging about. We already have the tools and the training. It's time to act.

Matt Trevorrow said...

but that's just how i see it:)