Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Have No Idea What To Call This

"Judge not lest you be judged" as the famous verse says.


I fail at that. I realized the other day just how often I judge people and get upset with them for doing the same things that I myself am doing.

If I'm not careful, all I see are the things that others are doing wrong. I don't look at myself and see that I'm doing the same things.

This is not a good thing, especially in relationships, when personal responsibility is so key.

It seems that often most people look at the other person and see all the things they fail at, without looking at themselves in the same light.

We measure ourselves with a different stick then we do for everyone else. I know I do this.

It's my stupid pride and arrogance. I hate being wrong. So I choose to dig the speck out of the other person's eye.

Over and over again.

And here I have this huge tree trunk in my face, blocking my perspective. At best all I can do is repeatedly poke that person in the eye, which does nothing and only exasperates that person.

Not only that, but irritation with people does not promote unity. It promotes just the opposite and alienates people, friends and couples.

God himself does not judge me for failing repeatedly and never fails to extend grace, yet I get frustrated with people and fail to extend them the same grace.

So this makes me irritable and angry.

This is not how it should me. No one is perfect, least of all me, as I can be a terrible person, and my responsibility is to extend to others what God has extended to me.

I must forgive as I have been forgiven.

I can't have this double standard.

I believe that relationships would be much more succesfull if we were better at looking at ourselves rather than constantly looking at the other person, whether romantic in nature or simply friendships.

God has never counted my sins against me :)

I cannot count others' either.

God is good and His love never fails:)